This exercise was pioneered by a U. CO psychology instructor – we use it to get
you thinking about your own priorities; it is graded submitted/notsubmitted. [That
means, we will not evaluate what you say, only if you made a sincere effort to do the
exercise. The 5 points will be added to the homework portion of your grade.]
Exercise: Think about the things that are important to you. Perhaps you care about
being creative; maybe close family relationships matter a lot to you; perhaps you want to
make a contribution to society and count that as most important; or maybe you think it is
essential to have a sense of humor. What matters most to you?
Pick two or three of these values and write about why they are important to you. You
have at least fifteen minutes, so give it serious thought.
Use the text box in Canvas to enter your writing. No formatting please, just plain text.