- First make a new Folder on User's Home Directory(X:) called "Processing". If you do NOT do this, processing will save your sketches on the local drive and they will be lost as soon as you log off.
- Locate the Processing environment and start it up. If you want to work on this lab at home you can download Processing from You should be getting version 2.1. In the lab you will find processing if you:
- Double click on the "PCServer(F)" folder on the Desktop, then Class Folders, then Computer Science, then CMPS 5J, then Processing, then Processing-Start.
- You should now have a window with a label at the top something like "sketch_080925a".
- Enter a few drawing commands into the window, e.g. rect(10,20,50,25);
- You should be able to run the program immediately by clicking the little triangle in the upper left corner of the Processing window. Note it may be a bit slow to start the first run of each session.
- Save your sketch
- Click File/Save or click the save icon above the sketch (a downward pointing arrow)
- Give your "sketch" a descriptive name - e.g. prog1.
- Your sketch should now appear in the File/Sketchbook list. It should also be in the folder you created in step 1. You should confirm that by looking in the folder on the X: drive.